2015 in Review

2015 has been a strange, but successful year. This year I've written just under 300,000 words. I finished three novel drafts, two short stories, and a lot of rambling to myself. 90,000 words were all written during this year's NaNoWriMo. All in all, I know I could have written more words this year, but life happened. I bought a house, lost several friends and made some big changes to better help steer me towards the future I want. I'm not disappointed in this year, but I am excited about next year. I know what I want to write. I know what I want to do and now I get the chance to actually make a move on those goals. If 2015 was my year of planning than 2016 is my year of action and I am so ready for it. 

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Writing Realities

When I was in high school, I would fantasize about what my life would be like when I became a real writer. I'd have a fancy house and a live in chef so I could just write all day. Everything would be great and I'd have tons of free time to do anything else I wanted to. It'd be perfect. Now I want to throttle high school me for ever even thinking that. 

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Until very recently the idea of pitching an agent or an editor face to face was among the most terrifying things that could ever happen to me. I got flustered when readers asked me what my book was about let alone when I had to tell an agent or editor what my book is about. Talk about a freak out inducing moment. 

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Celebrate then Evaluate

Now that you've had a little more time to celebrate your Nanowrimo victory (or any other completion), now comes the time to step back and decide your next move.If you're at a total loss on what to do with your first draft then I'd tuck it into a drawer and move onto another project for a month or more. Some space between you and the manuscript will help you better see it for its flaws when you pick it up again. It's okay for it to not be perfect. More than likely it's a long way from perfect and will require a lot of work to get to the submittable stage. 

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