Mabon and Pomegranate by Kimberly Richardson
Mabon and Pomegranate by Kimberly Richardson is a collection of two stories, both involving women who discover worlds outside of everything they've ever known.
Mabon tells the story of Monica who makes the decision to leave a life that's dragging her down and moves to the town of Mabon where she immediately finds the home of her dreams. The city, the people and the life in Mbon is what Monica has been searching for her whole life. She meets glamorous strangers and falls in love, but rumblings of an Other World war threaten to destroy her new life. She must work together with the mysterious Auberon to save her love, or maybe find a new love. Mabon ends with her decision still hanging in the balance and I'm looking forward to the sequel to see what happens next!
Pomegranate is the story of Alexandra. She has a wonderful husband, an incredible life, and her dream of running her own bookstore. But a black clad stranger enters her world and makes her start to question the life she's built. When the unthinkable happens, Alexandra must decide whether to dive into the world of pomegranates or to stay with what she's always known.
These stories are both tales of woman being swept away into a dark, beautiful world filled with passion and danger they've never before known.
You can buy Mabon and Pomegranate here.