Guess what?
I have a new book out and a new pen name!
“If Sam Winchester was the illustrated lady in a traveling sideshow in the 1900s, he’d be Hazel Finnegan.
Hazel has a power, and with that power, a responsibility. She hunts down the things that go bump in the night, and once she kills them, traps them into her skin via magical tattoo transference. Then she can call upon the monsters she’s vanquished to help her take out other baddies. But she may have bitten off more than she can chew this time.
The troll was big, dumb, and strong as an ox, but that wasn’t the real threat. The real threat lurks in the woods, and just maybe in whatever made her father disappear…
The Shadow Council Archives are historical novellas set in the universe of the Quincy Harker, Demon Hunter books. They are the tales of folklore and legend collected by The Shadow Council in the centuries since their founding.”