What Even to Say

What to even say

There's so much to write about or say or not say about how strange scary and weird things are right now. I'm having a hard time right now and I think almost everyone is. With all the uncertainity and fear in the world it's a true breeding ground for anxiety to go rampant. I'll be totally honest, last week, the anxiety consumed me totally. I didn't break down but I shut down. Most of last month, I can't even remember what I did. I bought some cat food but I have no idea what safe place I put it in. I still haven't been able to find it. 

I don't know how much advice I can give to everyone going through so much right now, but I did want to share just a few tips that are helping me and maybe they can help you too. 

1. Make a schedule 

I have a day planner with an hour by hour breakdown. I have started making a rough schedule for the day when I get up in the morning. It helps me keep me on task and feeling like there is some structure in the otherwise shapeless blobs my days have become. It doesn't have to be super rigid but having some plans for the day help it make sense. 

2. Set out for one small win. 


Every day I try to give myself one little task. I mean little-bitty like drink a glass of water. Something that I know I can accomplish. I do that small task early in the day and it helps me feel like I am capable of accomplishing stuff. It begins a kind of momentum through the rest of the day towards a day where I am crossing things off the list rather than hiding from my list of tasks. 

3. Listen to my body

I am trying to listen better to my body. When I'm thristy, I drink some water. When I'm hungry, I have a snack. When I'm tired and can't keep my eyes open, I plop down on the couch for a bit. Anxiety is hard on your body, being constantly on edge or worried, even if you're not always feeling it, takes a huge toll on your energy levels. By trying to listen to what my body is telling me, I'm hoping to take better care of myself and honestly show myself a bit of gentleness in the chaotic world. 

Those three things have made a big difference for me already this week and I am slowly feeling like a human again. Remember that you're not alone in this, we're all here together.